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    2. Products
      JG813 Down Mixing Sample Tray

      Scope of application

      Down sample mixing tray (also called homogenizing box) is used to fully and effectively mix the samples.

      It can use the four-corner method to mix the sample in the sample mixing plate and divide it into four parts. Take one part from each to form four uniform samples, two for testing, one for reserve, and one for storage. In the GB/T 10288-2003 down and feather testing method, the size is required to be length × width 180 cm × 90 cm, the height of the bottom surface from the ground is 60 cm, and the height of the frame is 25 cm. IDFB test rules require a base of 300 mm×300mm and a height of 150mm. The frame adopts a transparent glass cover, which is convenient for observation and prevents the down and feathers from being scattered everywhere due to external influences.

      Machine size: 1500×900×850mm (length×width×height)