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    2. Products
      • YG033B digital fabric tearing tester
        YG033B digital fabric tearing tester is used for the determination of the tear resistance of various woven fabrics (Elmendorf method), and it can also be used for the determination of the tear resistance of thick paper,...
      • YG033A drop hammer fabric tearing tester
        The YG033A drop hammer fabric tearing tester is used to measure the tear resistance of various woven fabrics, and it can also be used to measure the tear resistance of paper, plastic cloth, film, electrical tape, and metal flakes.
      • YG033E digital tearing tester
        YG033E Digital Tear Tester is used for the determination of the tear resistance of various woven fabrics, and it can also be used for the determination of the tear resistance of paper, plastic cloth, film, electrical tape and metal flakes.